It is particularly essential for me that people can advance, but also understand, the potential benefits of technology, in general, and of artificial intelligence, in particular. Even more important, however, that they also understand the many myths, (positive and negative) implications, and challenges of current digital systems, as well as are able to neither underestimate nor magnify them unnecessarily.
You will find the full-text of some of my publications, as well as the slides of several presentations at international conferences, on my profiles on ResearchGate, Academia, and SlideShare.
Take a look also at my profiles on Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Semantic Scholar, and dblp, the Computer Science Bibliography.
What follows is a list of my publications and talks, sorted by year, since I moved to Germany in 1999. Earlier publications and talks at 22 scientific events in both Computer Science and Chemistry, mainly in Havana, Cuba, are not listed here.